Anglo-Bulgarian Translations
Welcome to Anglo-Bulgarian Translations, the place where you can confidently source your Bulgarian to English and English to Bulgarian translations, safe in the knowledge that your text, whatever its nature, will be translated to the highest standard by an experienced professional translator and linguist who specialises in English and Bulgarian only!
About Anglo-Bulgarian Translations
Anglo-Bulgarian Translations is focused on providing high-quality translation services from Bulgarian into English and from English into Bulgarian only. Anglo-Bulgarian Translations is not a translation agency but a trading name for the freelance translation services provided by Milen Bossev in the UK and worldwide.
About Milen Bossev
Milen Bossev has been a translator since 1998 when he graduated from St Cyril and St Methodius University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, with an MA in English, specialising in Translation. After a two-year period working as a full-time translator and interpreter for a Bulgarian import company, in 2001 Milen moved to the UK where he enrolled on a postgraduate course at Coventry University, which he completed in 2002 achieving an MSc with Distinction in E-commerce. Following that, Milen continued working as a freelance translator, meticulously researching, gaining knowledge of and diversifying into a variety of subjects. In 2014 and 2015, Milen was assessed and examined by the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) in the UK to translate from English into Bulgarian, and from Bulgarian into English respectively, and became a fully qualified member (MITI) of this highly regarded professional translators' organisation in the UK.
Anglo-Bulgarian Translations: Its Purpose
After years of providing his translation services through various UK, European and North American translation agencies and language service providers (LSPs), Milen realised that many clients could benefit from a direct channel of communication with a capable and experienced professional linguist who could better understand and cater for their individual translation needs and provide tailored translation solutions which take into account all aspects of a good translation. Some of those aspects are very often overlooked by inexperienced or less competent translators, and even by some established large LSPs - natural feel and flow of the translation whilst preserving the accuracy and truthfulness to the source text, as well as its meaning, appropriate choice of words for the subject matter, the context and the intended audience, together with maintaining cultural sensitivity.
Knowledge of both source and target languages, their grammar, spelling and punctuation is of course the basic prerequisite for producing any translation, but it is those other subtler aspects, in addition to general linguistic knowledge, that make a good translation stand out and read naturally, authoritatively and compellingly. And it is the translator's proficiency in the source, as well as the target language, the in-depth knowledge of the subject and the cultural awareness that help achieve an outstanding translation.
The purpose of Anglo-Bulgarian Translations is to bridge the gap in the translation market by providing a direct channel of communication between clients requiring high-quality translations between Bulgarian and English on the one hand, and the professional, experienced and culturally aware linguist capable of delivering such translations to a high standard, on the other.
Please feel free to get in touch for a free quotation or other translation-related enquiries.